1 research outputs found

    Encapsulated Search Index: Public-Key, Sub-linear, Distributed, and Delegatable

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    We build the first sub-linear (in fact, potentially constant-time) public-key searchable encryption system: βˆ’ server can publish a public key PKPK. βˆ’ anybody can build an encrypted index for document DD under PKPK. βˆ’ client holding the index can obtain a token zwz_w from the server to check if a keyword ww belongs to DD. βˆ’ search using zwz_w is almost as fast (e.g., sub-linear) as the non-private search. βˆ’ server granting the token does not learn anything about the document DD, beyond the keyword ww. βˆ’ yet, the token zwz_w is specific to the pair (D,w)(D, w): the client does not learn if other keywords w2˘7β‰ ww\u27\neq w belong to DD, or if w belongs to other, freshly indexed documents D2˘7D\u27. βˆ’ server cannot fool the client by giving a wrong token zwz_w. We call such a primitive Encapsulated Search Index (ESI). Our ESI scheme can be made (t,n)(t, n)- distributed among nn servers in the best possible way: non-interactive, verifiable, and resilient to any coalition of up to (tβˆ’1)(t βˆ’ 1) malicious servers. We also introduce the notion of delegatable ESI and show how to extend our construction to this setting. Our solution β€” including public indexing, sub-linear search, delegation, and distributed token generation β€” is deployed as a commercial application by Atakama